Frequently Asked Questions

Will this Fibromyalgia treatment work for me?

  • The short answer is – I hope so. To be blunt, initially I envision the people trying this treatment to be in the same position I was; all other treatments have had poor to mediocre results, they are tired of being sick and they are willing to try almost anything. As with any treatment, it would be naive to think that it would be successful for all sufferers. As of this writing (June 2019) the only first hand experience that I have is my own, which has been life changing. The other accounts that I know of can only be considered anecdotal. As time goes on I am hoping to collect information about the treatment's effectiveness and relay it to readers of this site. Due to a lack of local resources, my treatment has been self administered without the guidance of a health care provider. If you have access to a health care provider with Iodine treatment experience, often a Naturopath or Homeopath, it would be highly recommended to consult with them. My strongest advice to anyone considering this treatment would be to read either; Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It by David Brownstein M.D. or The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow, and use the information within to decide if The Iodine Protocol is a treatment that is right for you.

How long before I feel the effects?

  • In my case, the “Fibro fog” lifted within the first 24 hours. The vast majority of the pain and fatigue that I associated with Fibromyalgia resolved within 4-6 months. Detox lasted months and may still be ongoing.

Side effects?

  • My personal side effects have been: Eye lid twitching, sinus ache, small cherry angiomas, runny nose, dry mouth, breast tenderness, skin “cuts”, leg & hip ache, occasional jitteriness, dry skin and occasional skin breakouts. On a positive note, while many of these side effects still exist, the frequency of their occurrence has steadily diminished over time.

Fibromyalgia or Iodine deficiency?

  • A question not likely to be answered in the near future. In my case I was definitively diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by multiple doctors via physical examinations which used the standard diagnosis of trigger/tender point identification. After treating myself with Iodine and watching my Fibromyalgia symptoms resolve, it would appear that Iodine deficiency was the underlying issue. Given this, I feel confident in saying that at the very least, Iodine deficiency can be misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia. However, if my original diagnosis was indeed correct, this would make a good case for both conditions being one in the same. Of course, a great deal of medical study would be needed to further prove this.


Learn about The Iodine Protocol

Read my blog to find out more about my experience

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